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Dear parents of our ballet students

Welcome to 2025 ballet classes at Academy of Dance Victoria. Term 1 is an important time for our ballet students as we attempt to teach the entire exam syllabus work in Term 1 to then allow consolidation of the requirements for the exam marking system in Term 2.  I know there is a lot of information in this notice but please do read the below information and note all dates and class requirements



Please check you have the correct leotard as set out in our uniform requirements, particularly in the Pre-Primary and Primary levels where some of the students are not in the correct pink leotards and skirts.   The set uniform is compulsory and is listed in your 2025 information booklet and can be purchased at reception and via our online shop.  Uniform list found at this link: Click here for uniform list in information booklet



Students MUST all have a neat ballet bun for class from prep ballet students to our highest levels. Parents, please help your dancers with this, especially if they can’t do their own hair.  Buns are necessary to help teachers view and teach the correct alignment of the head and neck within the ballet exam work and is an important part of ballet discipline.  We understand that some students are brought to the studio for ballet by other parents or grandparents who are unable to do their buns - in those cases we do suggest that parents do their dancer’s ballet bun before school (with some water and hairspray, hairpins and hair nets, it will stay in all day ready for ballet after school).   Here is a YouTube video explaining how to do a correct ballet bun



Some ballet classes have additional requirements that students need to bring with them every lesson

Level 1 Ballet to Level 5 Ballet (Grade 2 at school to Year 6).  In addition to their set uniform students need the following items in class

  • Black low heel character shoes 

  • Character skirt.

  • Waist elastic – matching colour to class leotard

  • All students need their character shoes and skirt no later than WEEK 4 of Term 1. 

  • Students must bring character shoes and character skirt to EVERY class please. 


Grade 5 Ballet: Students will receive assessment invitations for pointe preparation and will require these only once they have received full approval by our physio. Letters regarding this process will be sent out later in Term 1


Intermediate Foundation, Advanced Foundation and Advanced 1 RAD Ballet (year 8 and above): Students in Intermediate Foundation and above must have Demi Pointe shoes and Pointe Shoes.  Students in the major levels are also welcome to wear a short navy blue shiffon skirt with their uniform



If your dancer will be away from class due to school camps or illness, please ensure you log this absence in your customer portal so the teachers can see the reason for their absence.



At the end of Term 1 all students in our RAD Ballet program receive a progress report. The report includes feedback on the student’s progress and a recommendation as to whether they will be entered for an exam and the type of exam they will be entered for.  Entries for ballet exams are due at the beginning of Term 2.



Why Do We Do Ballet Exams?

Our ballet students prepare for the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) or Ballet Conservatoire exams(BC). Preparing for exams challenges even our youngest ballet students to improve in class each week in preparation for presenting their work to the examiner.  The students increase in confidence and their skill level also increases at a much quicker rate.  Once the exam is completed the students have a great sense of achievement and receive their certificate and medal and valuable feedback on how they are progressing in their training.  


The ballet teaching staff at ADV decide whether students are ready to enter an exam. For those entered into an exam there are two types of assessments offered under the RAD system for the Grade levels (Primary to Grade 5). The teachers also decide which type of exam a student is entered in and are required to decide by early April.  Major level exams and Higher Grades are only available as a graded exam.

  • RAD Class Award: This exam is undertaken in groups of four or less. The teacher is present in the room and guides the students through the exam to give the students an extra sense of security. Exercises are generally performed two or four at a time rather than solo. The feedback takes the form of written feedback in three sections, with a sheet, certificate and level badge. This type of exam is also recommended for students who are undertaking exams for the first time, and those who are a little unsure of their work or still working on confidence levels.

  • RAD Graded Exam: This exam is the full exam for each level. Students enter in groups of four or less. No teacher is present in the room and the students perform for the examiner alone. Many exercises are performed one or two at a time. The feedback takes the form of a marking section with a total mark given out of 100 and students receive a grading sheet, a certificate and level badge. 

  • Pre Primary & Primary Exams:  Prep and Grade 1 students will undertake either an external exam or a internal asessment in the BC Syllabus in Term 3.  Students undertaking the external BC exam will be required to attend the July holiday exam preparation sessions.

  • Classical Academy BC Exams.  Classical Academy students only have a graded exam option or internal assessment.  Classical Academy students advised end of Term 2 about which type of assessment they will undertake. Both assessments are taken by an approved ACB Examiner.


Holiday Classes/Compulsory Exam Preparation

Ballet exam students from prep age through to our oldest students in both RAD classes and BC classes are required to attend holiday exam intensive preparation classes.    


Primary School Aged Students July School Holiday Exam Preparation:   

During the second week of the July school holidays exam students must attend compulsory preparation classes. Students are not able to enter the exam if they cannot attend the holiday classes.   You will be told in your Term 1 reports if your dancer is invited to do an exam from prep students to our oldest students.    Compulsory attendance at the below listed exam preparation classes is required for all students undertaking an exam

Monday 14th July: RAD Grades 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 Exam intensives (Grade 2 to 6 at school)

Tuesday 15th July: RAD Grades 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 Exam intensives (Grades 2 to 6 at school)

Wednesday 16th July: RAD Grades 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 Exam intensives (Grades 2 to 6 at school

Thursday 17th July:  BC Levels Pre Primary, Primary & all Classical Academy Levels (Prep to year 9 at school)

Friday 18th July:     BC Levels Pre Primary, Primary & all Classical Academy Levels (Prep to year 9 at school)

Saturday 19th July:  BC Levels Pre Primary, Primary & all Classical Academy Levels (Prep to year 9 at school)



Students in RAD Major levels must attend EITHER the official RAD Exam Preparation Intensives

  • Winter Intensive in 2nd week of the July School holidays (Dates To Be Advised by RAD)


  • Spring Intensive in 2nd week of the September School Holidays (Dates to be Advised by RAD)


  • Saturday 4th October: All students will be allocated an exam solo practise lesson to attend on this day and required to attend for exam entry.

Locations for these intensives will be confirmed by the RAD closer to the date, but usually take place in the city at RAD Exam headquarters in South Melbourne or at the Victorian College of the Arts.  These intensives are run by the RAD for all Majors students in Victoria.


Primary School Aged Students in RAD and ACB  

Exams will take place in Term 3 usually in early to mid August for both RAD students and Classical Academy students. Dates are set by the Royal Academy of Dance and Ballet Conservatoire.


High School Aged Students 

Exams will take place in early Term 4 usually in mid October.   Exam entries for these are due in early Term 3 and parents of exam students will receive a notice with costs. ADV will not know the exam dates until much later in the year and parents will be advised as soon as we know. 


Practise at Home-RAD app 

There is a LOT of work involved in the RAD exams for your ballet student. We do encourage as many parents as possible to download the Royal Academy of Dance App on their phone, iPad or laptop. The actual app is free, you can then purchase the video work for your dancer’s level on the app. This contains the entire syllabus for their level with videos and music.


22nd JUNE 2025 Mid-Year Showcase Performance

All ballet students from Pre-Primary( prep) to Advanced levels will be a part of the mid-year showcase. The onstage performance will showcase the work students have been learning in their ballet classes and all ballet students will perform on stage in a Grand De Fille.  Students wear their ballet uniform for this performance


2025 Concert 12th, 13th & 14th December

Please keep these dates available. All ballet classes participate in the ADV End of year concert which takes place on 12,13 and 14th December. We present a fabulously costumed story ballet with all students involved in bringing it to life!  

Please always contact us if you have any questions.  


And don’t forget you can find all information also on our information portal at

Password is ADVExcel


Kind regards

Tamara Davidson


Academy of Dance Victoria

Ph: 98989899


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Studio Ph: 9898 9899
Mobile: 0425 353 600


7/41 - 43 Lexton Road, Box Hill North
(opposite the Zart Art store)

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